Chromebook Part's Names

**⚠️under contruction⚠️**

This is a list of what we have decided to name parts here at Many of these naming conventions are common across communities but some of them may be unique.

This is a list of the major possible parts you might come across. This does not mean that every chromebook has all these parts. Every chromebook is built differently with more or less features and parts than others. Some of the less important parts are not listed, like the battery protection cover and kensington lock pieces, screws, etc.

Back Cover

Common on every chromebook. Some communities may refer to this as a top cover or top shell. We prefer back cover because it is on the back of the display.


Common in every chromebook.

Battery Cable

Not common in every chromebook. Some batteries have the cable built into the battery itself. Some will have a detachable battery cable.


Common on chromebooks with an exception that chromebooks with LCD modules do not have bezels. Any device with an LCD panel will have a bezel.

If you are having issues with your device not sleeping when you close it please see this page on Sleep Mode.

Bottom Cover

Common on every chromebook. This is the bottom panel of the device.

Camera Board

Camera Cable


Touchpad Cable

Hinge Set


LCD Panel

An LCD panel is usually attacted to the back cover and/or hinges with small screws. In rare occasions they are attached with long strips of double sided tape.

LCD Module

An LCD module is a combination of an LCD panel and a bezel. These usually have a seemless glass finish with the bezel giving them a clean aesthetic. LCD modules can attach to the back cover in a few ways. They either clip in around the edges with many small plastic clips or they might also have a few small screws towards the bottom under a trim cover.

LCD Cable

Microphone Board



Sensor Board

Sensor Board Cable

Speaker Set


Touchpad Cable

Trim Cover

Not common on every chromebook. This is a part of the bezel in other models. This part covers the hinges and cables right under the display.

WiFi Card

World Facing Camera

Parts Surfer Links

Acer Lenovo HP Asus Chromebook DB